
Insurance For Business

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Business Owner Policy

Business Owner Policy helps protect businesses, their owners and employees from financial damages that can result from accidents, property damage and other situations. Having the right coverage is critical in minimizing the risk of claims against your business. K Palmer Insurance has helped numerous businesses like yours prevail against the unexpected.

Commercial Package Policy

Commercial Package Policy is able to grow with your business. The ability to use coverage as an ala carte gives any business the opportunity to move in many directions safely. This includes coverage for business property as well as company vehicles.

Commercial insurance helps protect businesses, their owners and employees from financial damages that can result from accidents, property damage and other situations. Having the right coverage is critical in minimizing the risk of claims against your business. K Palmer Insurance has helped numerous businesses like yours prevail against the unexpected.

Commercial Excess

Commercial Excess is an umbrella policy for a business it protects the organization against large liabilty claims that could paralyze a business. This policy goes over and above the underlying business policies when wrote correctly.

Error's & Omissions

Error's & Omissions protects a business from a mistake or ommission within your services. This protects the business from fees resulting from a lawsuit and is sometimes referred to Professional Liability.

Farm Succession

Taking the time to talk about succession planning for your farm can be difficult and uncomfortable. Having a plan in place is the key to making the process of passing a farm on to the next generation smooth and stress free. We can help guide you in ensuring that the transition plan for your land transfer is a success.

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  • Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus
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Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim.

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